Caspia data links

1. Offline npm registries

Caspia has a simple program to populate an offline npm registry cache with modules.


NPM repository cache using Verdaccio with 278 parent modules. Main file size is

Active Demo

Main file 231 MB compressed, on disk is 234 MB

Log file for this data run

2. Seekoff elastic index data downloads

These downloads are used with the Caspia Seekoff offline search application. See the file in the Seekoff Github location for usage. The unpacked size is 12 gigabytes.

Stackoverflow 20170901: Javascript and associated subjects

This elasticsearch dataset indexes the stackoverflow data dump of 2017-09-01, indexed on 2018-01-05.

Included tags:

javascript node.js express passport mongoose html html5 bootstrap mocha electron pug jade reactjs jsx react-router redux git eslint jasmine

Excluded tags:

exploit sql-injection penetration-testing xss sniff attack crack trojan code-injection malware keylog keylogger virus

